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School of Marxism successfully held the China·New Zealand International Academic Forum

Sep 22, 2023 

School of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology successfully held the China·New Zealand: “Cooperation and Exchange in an Open World.” International Academic Forum on 8 Augest, 2022. More than 20 scholars and students invited to the conforence. This conference took place online and offline due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Professor Hong Xiaonan, the President of shool of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology; Professer Roland Boer, shool of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology; associate professor Chamsy el-Ojeili, Victoria University of Wellington attended this academic forum. The lecture was presided over by vice dean Qu Hong, shool of Marxism, Dalian University of Technology.

In the opening ceremony, President Hong Xiaonan made a brief address on the statement of international exchange and cooperation of DUT. Then, professor Chamsy el-Ojeili express their thanks for Dalian University of Technology and look forword to have more chance to academic exchange in the further.

This conforence has five attractive speeches by students from China and Newsland. You can get more information from the following conference agenda.

ØInternational Presentations, CST 15:00-17:00, 2022.8.8

Ø Colin Barton, PhD Student, Victoria University of Wellington, Populism and

Religion in New Zealand.

Ø Hafsa TameezPhD Student, Victoria University of Wellington, Exploring

Cultural Dimensions in Research.

Ø Gao Yang, PhD Student, DUT, Belt and Road Initiative to the Global Development Initiative: China's contribution to Building a Global Community of Shared Future for Development.

Ø Xia Li, postgraduate student, DUT, Challenges and Solutions of China's Network Ideology Construction under the Background of Globalization.

In the interactive question section, all participants made an heated discussion about historical nihilism and religious culture.


In the closing ceremony, vice dean Qu Hong summarized the significant value of this International Academic Forum. He express his pleasure to meet the faculty and students of Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, via online conference. Thanks to the strong support of Professors Boal and Shamua, we can meet in the clouds to exchange ideas and enhance mutual understanding through academic exchanges.

下一条:School of Marxism successfully held the Second Cloud International Academic Conforence